Giving professionals, freelancers and remote workers a fresh perspective on development
Benefit from the power of coaching by utilising the potential of your global peers.
What to learn more? Find out how it works
“We all have it in us: we hold the answers to our own development. It’s being asked the right questions from a like minded, independent person that focuses and challenges us to push ourselves that bit further” – Keith Fowler

Peer Coaching Hub connects you with a collaborative peer committed to you both continuously becoming more successful
Be Held to Account
Entrust your peer with what you want to really accomplish. Be held accountable for what you’ve committed to yourself you’ll actually do.
Confidential & Independent
Your peer coach has no vested interest other than in helping you figure out the best next step. A discussion far less threatening than with a manager.
Accelerate your Leadership Development
Coaching is developmental as well as motivational. If you’re part of a continuing professional development programme, coaching will earn you valuable CPD points*.
No Experience Needed
It’s always easier to see someone more objectively than yourself. Even if you are both struggling to improve in the same developmental areas you’ll be much more capable of finding solutions.
Share Successful Practices
Build a supportive relationship with a peer that knows you and who you can trust enough to reveal your blind spots and vulnerabilities. Create a positive change together.
Get Support & Direction
Rest assured that you’ll have the backup of a proven coaching practice and our support to keep you on track, allowing you both to focus on constructive dialogue, ongoing feedback and network building.
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